Clark’s Run Antiques in Utica could undergo an expansion now that its owners have the preliminary OK to rezone a neighboring parcel.
Thursday, the Utica Planning Commission recommended a request by Steve and Pam Shanley be approved. The Shanleys have asked the village to rezone property behind the antique mall to C-1 commercial, letting them combine the two parcels for expansion.
Steve Shanley said they envision a covered rear patio, small playground to accommodate families with children as well as a sound barrier to contain live music.
“We try to be good neighbors,” said Pam Shanley, noting live performances to date have been held Saturday afternoons and haven’t spilled into anybody’s bedtime.
Planning commissioners voted in favor of the proposal but, after some concerns were voiced by neighbors, added a condition the Shanleys install additional fencing, as well as additional landscape screening, to keep visitors from wandering onto private property.
Steve and Pam Shanley must get final approval from the Utica Village Board, which next meets tentatively on June 15.
Finally, the Planning Commission observed a moment of silence for Mary Pawlak, who died Tuesday on her 77th birthday. Pawlak was a longtime Utica Village Trustee and election judge.